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slotting allowance中文是什么意思

用"slotting allowance"造句"slotting allowance"怎么读"slotting allowance" in a sentence


  • 安置津贴
  • 货位津贴


  • In contrast , few literatures focuses the type of vertical restraints imposed on manufacturers by retailers . however , in the past decade , due to the technology innovation , retailers in many industries have become bigger in size to utilize economies of scale and scope , with the industrial concentration enhanced , retailers , especially the chained store retailers , seem to acquire the buyer power when bargaining with manufacturers and the retailers with bargaining power tend to impose vertical restraints on upstream manufacturers . examples of these restraints include slotting fee , listing fee , upfront payment among which the slotting allowance has become the fuse to induce the conflicts between the upstream and downstream
  • This dissertation tend to make a research on the role of retailers buyer power on the downstream competition and the task is accomplished by two steps . firstly , this paper tends to explain the reason why retailer buyer power arise and then try to analyze the role of slotting allowance , the main form of vertical restraints imposed by retailers on manufacturers
用"slotting allowance"造句  
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